
The University of Texas Medical Branch

2017 Emergency Planning Information

The Institutional Safety and Security conducts an extensive review of each program year’s work and the proposal for the following year. (2015 Approval ISS Summary).

Priority Risks for 2017:

1) Weather

  • Hurricane Flooding
  • Hurricane Wind
  • Extreme Heat
  • Water Shortage / Outage
  • Lightning

2) Utilities Outage / Gas Pipeline Risk
3) Disease Outbreak (including Ebola or novel High Consequence Infectious Disease)
4) Mass Casualty (Complex Coordinated Attacks) / Active Shooter / HF or other Chemical Mass Casualty Incident)
5) Cyber-Threats
6) Fire

There are no scope or objective changes; and no changes to the Emergency Operations Plan for this year.

A review of UTMB’s emergency radio architecture is underway (and aligned with state interoperability guidance).

Hazard Vulnerability Analyses are conducted for each UTMB location, including clinic sites. Clinic managers also identify priority risks for their locations. (Main Campus, League City and AD Campus HVAs) (96 Hour Analyses)

In general, each UTMB staff member should be aware of their emergency role and to whom to report in an emergency. By UTMB Policy, each employee should meet with their manager (prior to June 1 each year) to discuss their status (essential/non-essential), and their emergency role.

LEARN MORE AT https://www.utmb.edu/emergency_plan/