This web site is a backup emergency information portal for the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas.
Plans are to activate and use this site in the event that normal UTMB web-based communication venues go offline or become otherwise unavailable. This site has also been designed to allow designated contacts within UTMB’s large entities or departments to access and use utmb.info to communicate with their employees, students other constituents or customers.
Messages appear at the top of the home page as they are posted. Visitors may view all messages, or sort them by category (entity or department). Comments will be enabled when the site is activated and in use, providing a bulletin board function for the UTMB community. If you have questions, comments or suggestions, please contact Marketing and Communications at (409) 772-2618.
Information During a Disaster / Weather Emergencies
In the event of a disaster or emergency weather conditions, please refer to the following channels of communication for more information:
- Information is available via the web at http://www.utmb.edu/alert. Should the UTMB web server go down, a second server is in place as a backup and will be available via UTMB’s normal URL: http://www.utmb.edu.
- Additionally, in rare circumstances a backup informational site may be activated at http://utmbinfo.com.
- Sign up for UTMB Alerts, the university’s emergency notification system.
- Check your email and the university’s official social media channels.
- Call the UTMB main operator at (409) 772-1011.
- Monitor local television and radio stations.
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